Yoga-a-Great-Addition-to-Your-Workout-Routine-McKendree-Metro-Rec-PlexYoga has a lot to offer. And even if you don’t consider yourself an experienced yogi, you can still reap the benefits at any level.

Here are a few reasons that yoga makes a great addition to your workout routine:

1. Strong Mind-Body Connection

When it comes to any workout method, it’s easy to focus on the physical elements. But there are many mental benefits to your workout activities, as well. By adding yoga to your workout routine, you’ll manage daily stress and strengthen the mind-body connection. You’ll build a greater awareness of your movements, thoughts, and breathing and improve the quality of all your workouts.

2. Increased Flexibility

If you’re not very flexible, you might assume that yoga is not for you. But yoga is great for everyone! Even for those of us who can’t touch our toes. Yoga is a great way to work on flexibility and improve your range of motion. You’ll be able to move better on your mat, at the gym, and in your daily life.

3. Improved Body Posture

If even reading the word “posture” makes you sit up straighter, imagine what a yoga class can do for your body posture. Poor posture can increase your chances of getting injured, but yoga can help your spine, neck, and core. Adding in some yoga will strengthen your back and core muscles allowing you to sit and stand up straighter and putting less pressure on your spine.

4. Active Recovery

If you’ve ever woken up sore from the previous day’s workout, the last thing you probably want to do is hit the gym. But a bit of active recovery where you gently stretch and move your body can help reduce your muscle soreness. Yoga is a great active recovery option, as long as you choose a lower intensity class.

5. Better Balance

Yoga challenges you to use and improve your balance. Standing on one foot while wobbling and trying not to fall over can be frustrating and surprisingly tiring. However, if you stick with it, these initial wobbly postures will lead to better balance. With time, you’ll become more stable and better balanced.

Group fitness classes, including yoga, provide an encouraging and safe environment for participants of any skill level. To learn more about the classes we’re currently offering at McKendree Metro Rec Plex, contact us today.